Saturday, 4 July 2015

A day trip to Galle

The Lads ventured out of the compound yesterday to book tickets for our trip to Galle. And to stock up on wine.

Naturally, with the comfort of our women folk in mind, we spared no expense by purchasing first class tickets for seats in an air-conditioned carriage.

Our extended wait at the Alugama Station was whiled away in conversation with some of the local inhabitants. A lovely old bewhiskered gent discussed the current test between Sri Lanka and Pakistan,  before enquiring if I would like to buy him breakfast.  An obviously-proud father informed the ladies about his son's studies in computing at Victoria University, and the ongoing financial difficulties he constantly faces to support him.

I must remember to relate the problems I continually have in finding the wherewithall to feed my youngest son. And maybe a small donation from a kind stranger whom I meet on foreign shores will ease my financial woes. And then I will be able to get a nice bottle of wine rather than that South African rubbish we've been forced to drink.

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